Technology: Boon or Bane?

Technology: Boon or Bane?

In sum early media technologies, such as radio and television began with the mechanical principle  and were scheduled around the synchronization of the clock. Within the past decade or so, with the pervasive scheduling of life down to minute-by-minute intervals, people could not keep up. Cel-phones, E-mail, Myspace, Youtube, Facebook, and the like can be interpreted as a unified dialectical backlash against two centuries of tightening temporal strictures. We should not be surprised that in recent times we hear people describing their activity as multitasking. Whether or not multitasking is increasing and regardless of whether this is boon or bane. 

I would simply say that the phenomenon shows itself (makes more and more sense to us) mainly because our lives have been so precisely scheduled. Might multitasking be a symptom of changing sensibilities of time or the product of clashing time frames- a clash between the hours of the older media and the minutes and seconds of the newer ones.

And it depends on us how we use technology whether , you will used by helping other people to become caring, relating, thinking and analyzing and a good feeling beings nor to abuse or misuse, so it can contribute our ruin and downfall of other people/ persons.

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